Real charity is very rare in the world. What is commonly known as charity is a condescending handing out of surplus material wealth to others who are perceived as less economically successful. Material help is not devoid of value, however there is a deeper mode of charity most never put to practice. This can be best explained by using the ancient Zoroastrian motto of "good thoughts, good words and good deeds."

For the next week, remember to think only the best of others. Abandon the usual instinct to compete with everyone else for social status, give up the neurotic defense mechanisms that make you mistrust and reject others, and stop comparing yourself to others. Make an effort to see the best qualities in each person you meet. This is not a "natural" thing to do in contemporary society--which means it is contrary to the reigning ideology. If you have done your previous tasks properly, you have evidence to support this idea in your magical diary. You know human interactions are based on different types of competition. This week, you will try to revert that.

Besides practicing having good thoughts about others, also practice using good words. Try to interact with others in a kind and polite manner, avoiding gossip and negative criticism. Take care that you choose your words when talking with others, aiming at making everyone walk away with a good impression of you. Even if you have to make complaints, try to do so in firm but polite manner. This will be the first step on your training towards what is called "a healing presence."

Lastly, practice your good deeds. You have already tried your hand at it in the lesson about service. Keep benefiting others with your actions, but now also take care that you will refrain from doing anything that may cause damage to others. Make a real effort to have a socially positive presence an general effect on others.

Make daily notes in your journal about your efforts and their effects, both on others and yourself. By the end of the week, review your notes and try to design new ways to interact with others that will demonstrate your good thoughts, good words and good deeds.

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